Gönderen Konu: Avustralya İçin RF band hakkında yardım  (Okunma sayısı 5407 defa)

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Avustralya İçin RF band hakkında yardım
« : 12 Aralık 2010, 16:10:35 »

Benim web sitesi iletişim formu üzerinden bir mesaj aldım ve bu mesaja cevap vermek için sizlerden yardım istiyoruz.

Mesaj aynen aşağıda aktarılmıştır;

  • Ben İstanbul Üniversitesi  Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği 2. sınıf öğrencisiyim,
      Sizden bir konuda yardım talep edecektim;
      Biz Avustralya da düzenlenen WSC yarışmasına katılacağız, bu yarışma güneş  enerjili araçların yarıştığı bir yarış,
      Benim yardım talep ettiğim konu aracımızla kuracağımız iletişim hususunda  olacaktı.
      Avustralya\'da kullanılan RF bandları nelerdir, hangi frekans aralığı sivil  kullanıma açık, hangi aralık ses iletişimi için, hangi aralık veri iletişimi  için kullanılıyor, kaç kilometre kapsama alanına izin veriliyor. Türkiye ile  herhangi bir farklılık gösteriyormu? Veya Avustralya\'da da bantlar Dünya  standartlarıyla aynı mı? sorularına cavap bulmam gerekiyor. Ben bu soruların  çözümlerini nasıl araştıracağımı veya bulacağımı gerçekten bilmiyorum, bunun  nedeni bu soruları soranın ben olmamam ve konu hakında yeterli bilgimin  olmaması. Sizden ricam bana yol göstermeniz ve yardımcı olmanız, ilginiz için  teşekkür ediyorum,

Linkback: https://www.radyoamatorleri.com/index.php?topic=774.0
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    Çevrimdışı TA3DN

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Ynt: Avustralya İçin RF band hakkında yardım
« Yanıtla #1 : 12 Aralık 2010, 21:06:53 »
Selamlar.Avusturalya region 3 te yer alıyor. Dolayısıyla region 3 band planları geçerlidir Avusturalya için. Cb telsiz ise tüm dünyada serbest olduğu için buda geçerlidir o ülke için. Ama amatör frekanslarda  region 3 band planına bakmak lazım.
Sivil kullanımda ise pmr ve halk bandı serbesttir. Ancak o ülkeye özgü standart frekansların haricinde frekanslarda kullanılıyor olabilir.73...

« Son Düzenleme: 12 Aralık 2010, 21:17:17 Gönderen: TA3DN »

    Çevrimdışı TA3V

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Ynt: Avustralya İçin RF band hakkında yardım
« Yanıtla #2 : 12 Aralık 2010, 23:58:10 »
Selam Murat,
Gelişmelerden haberdar et eksik bilgi ile yollamayalım arkadaşı Resimlerin Görüntülenmesine İzin Verilmiyor. Üye Ol ya da Giriş Yap
« Son Düzenleme: 13 Aralık 2010, 00:20:29 Gönderen: TA3AHS »

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Ynt: Avustralya İçin RF band hakkında yardım
« Yanıtla #3 : 13 Aralık 2010, 09:13:43 »
Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor. Üye Ol ya da Giriş Yap
Channel: Frequency:  Use:
 Channel  1  476.4250  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  2  476.4500  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output 
 Channel  3  476.4750  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  4
  476.5000  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  5
  476.5250  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output     (Emergency use only)
 Channel  6  476.5500  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  7
  476.5750  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  8
  476.6000  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  9
  476.6250  Simplex
 Channel  10
  476.6500  Simplex     4WD Drivers - Convoy, Clubs & National Parks 
 Channel  11
  476.6750  Simplex     Call Channel
 Channel  12
  476.7000  Simplex
 Channel  13
  476.7250  Simplex
 Channel  14
  476.7500  Simplex
 Channel  15
  476.7750  Simplex
 Channel  16
  476.8000  Simplex
 Channel  17
  476.8250  Simplex
 Channel  18
  476.8500  Simplex     Caravan & Campers Convoy Channel 
 Channel  19
  476.8750  Simplex
 Channel  20
  476.9000  Simplex
 Channel  21  476.9250  Simplex
 Channel  22
  476.9500  Simplex     Data Only (No Voice - No Packet)
 Channel  23
  476.9750  Simplex     Data Only (No Voice - No Packet)
 Channel  24
  477.0000  Simplex
 Channel  25
  477.0250  Simplex
 Channel  26  477.0500  Simplex
 Channel  27
  477.0750  Simplex
 Channel  28
  477.1000  Simplex
 Channel  29
  477.1250  Simplex     Pacific Hwy (NSW) & Bruce Hwy (Qld) Road Channel
 Channel  30
  477.1500  Simplex     UHF CB Broadcasts
 Channel  31
  477.1750  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  32
  477.2000  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  33
  477.2250  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  34
  477.2500  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  35
  477.2750  Simplex     Repeater Input (Emergency Use Only) 
 Channel  36
  477.3000  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  37
  477.3250  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  38
  477.3500  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  39
  477.3750  Simplex
 Channel  40
  477.4000  Simplex     Highway Channel 
 Channel  41  476.4375  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  42  476.4625  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  43  476.4875  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  44  476.5125  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  45  476.5375  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  46  476.5625  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  47  476.5875  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  48  476.6125  Duplex & Simplex - Repeater Output
 Channel  49  476.6375  Simplex
 Channel  50  476.6625  Simplex
 Channel  51  476.6875  Simplex
 Channel  52  476.7125  Simplex
 Channel  53  476.7375  Simplex
 Channel  54  476.7625  Simplex
 Channel  55  476.7875  Simplex
 Channel  56  476.8125  Simplex
 Channel  57  476.8375  Simplex
 Channel  58  476.8625  Simplex
 Channel  59  476.8875  Simplex
 Channel  60  476.9125  Simplex
 Channel  61    Reserved for Future Expansion
 Channel  62    Reserved for Future Expansion
 Channel  63    Reserved for Future Expansion
 Channel  64  477.0125  Simplex
 Channel  65  477.0375  Simplex
 Channel  66  477.0625  Simplex
 Channel  67  477.0875  Simplex
 Channel  68  477.1125  Simplex
 Channel  69  477.1375  Simplex
 Channel  70  477.1625  Simplex
 Channel  71  477.1875  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  72  477.2125  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  73  477.2375  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  74  477.2625  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  75  477.2875  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  76  477.3125  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  77  477.3375  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  78  477.3625  Simplex     Repeater Input
 Channel  79  477.3875  Simplex
 Channel  80  477.4125  Simplex
Licenses for Repeater Channels 44 & 45 will not be licensed for an additional 6 to 12 months to allow extra time for owners of Channel 5 Emergency repeaters to upgrade equipment to meet the new standards   
Channels 1 to 8 and 41 to 48 - Repeater Channels Press the DUPLEX button on your radio to used any available repeaters
Channel 5 & 35 - Emergency use only - Monitored by Volunteers, No general conversations are to take place on this channel
Channels 22 & 23 - Data transmissions only (Excluding Packet)
Channels 31 to 38 and 71 to 78 - Repeater inputs - Do not use these channels for simplex transmissions as you will interfere with conversations on channels 1 to 8 and 41 to 48
The Australian Government has legislated that channels 5 & 35 on the UHF CB Band are reserved for emergency use only
As at January 2007 the maximum penalties for the misuse of the legally allocated CB emergency channels are:
UHF CB Buyers Guide
With changes to UHF CB radio coming up at the end of the year manufactures will be looking to off load their radios cheap
But it is definitely a case of buyer beware.... It would be a very safe to assume that these cheap radios will not be upgradeable to the new standards and will become obsolete and possibly outlawed in the next few years
There are some drawbacks to buying a radio now without doing a little research     
The most important thing about any radio you buy now is
The radio is capable of 12.5 kHz steps - This mean that it is possible to have channels 12.5 kHz apart as apposed to the current 25 kHz spaces between channels that exists now
The radio is programmable - There is no point in having a radio that you are not able to reprogram it either yourself or by a qualified radio technician
Your radio is able to be programmed with 80 channels - Beware of this one, A number of radios have extra 'RX Channels' these are receive only channels. Which means you will be able to program your radio to listen to the new channels but you will bot be able to talk on them
Kaynak : istanbul telsiz merkezi

    Çevrimdışı TA3HS

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  • Bu Mesajı : 7
  • İleti: 299
  • İsim Soyisim: HALUK SANCAR
Ynt: Avustralya İçin RF band hakkında yardım
« Yanıtla #4 : 13 Aralık 2010, 23:06:59 »
Australian Amateur Band Plans

LF Band2200 Metre Band – Advanced Licensees only
The following plan is recommended as an interim plan for the 2200 metre band. This plan is based on the
unofficial 2200 metre band plan adopted by LF operators in ITU Region I.
135.7 - 137.4 kHz CW only
135.7 - 135.8 kHz International DX window
135.8 - 136.0 kHz Test transmissions and test beacons
136.0 - 137.4 kHz Normal CW operation (centre of activity 136.5 kHz)
137.4 - 137.6 kHz Narrow band digital modes, e.g. PSK (centre of activity 137.5 kHz)
137.6 - 137.8 kHz Slow CW modes, e.g. QRSS

MF and HF Bands
160 Metre Band – Advanced Licensees only
1800 - 1810 Digital data modes 1810 - 1840 CW only 1840 - 1875 SSB / AM 
80 Metre Band – 3500 -3700 kHz All licence classes
3776 - 3800 kHz Advanced licensees only
3.500 - 3.700 CW
3.535 - 3.620 SSB
3.600 WICEN frequency
3.600 IARU Region III emergency centre frequency
3.620 - 3.640 Digital data modes
3.640 - 3.700 SSB
3.776 - 3.800 DX WindowNOTE: DX WINDOWEmissions must not extend below 3776 kHz. Therefore when using LSB, the suppressed carrier frequencyshould be no lower than 3779 kHz.
40 Metre Band – All licence classes
7.000 - 7.300 CW
7.030 - 7.040 Digital data modes
7.040 - 7.300 SSB
7.075 WICEN frequency
7.110 IARU Region III emergency centre frequency
7.130 - 7.150 WIA news transmissions   
30 Metre Band – Advanced licensees only
10.100 - 10.150 CW
10.115 - 10.140 SSB
10.115 WICEN frequency
10.140 - 10.150 Digital data modes   
20 Metre Band – Advanced & Standard licensees
14.000 - 14.350 CW
14.070 - 14.112 Digital data modes
14.070 - 14.080 Amtor, PSK etc.
14.080 - 14.095 RTTY
14.095 - 14.112 Packet Radio
14.100 IBP Beacons
14.112 - 14.350 SSB
14.125 WICEN frequency
14.230 SSTV calling frequency
14.250 FAX calling frequency
14.300 IARU Region III emergency centre frequency 

17 Metre Band – Advanced licensees only
18.068 - 18.168 CW
18.100 - 18.110 Digital data modes
18.110 IBP Beacons
18.110 - 18.168 SSB
18.150 WICEN frequency
18.160 IARU Region III emergency centre frequency

15 Metre Band – All licence classes
21.000 - 21.450 CW
21.070 - 21.125 Digital data modes
21.150 IBP Beacons
21.150 - 21.450 SSB
21.190 WICEN frequency
21.340 +/- 5 kHz SSTV calling frequency
21.360 IARU Region III emergency centre frequency   
12 Metre Band – Advanced licensees only
24.890 - 24.990 CW
24.920 - 24.930 Digital data modes
24.930 IBP Beacons
24.930 - 24.990 SSB
24.950 WICEN frequency   
10 Metre Band – All licence classes
28.000 - 28.200 CW AND DIGITAL MODES
28.000 - 28.050 CW only
28.050 - 28.150 Digital data modes
28.150 - 28.200 CW only
28.190 - 28.200 IBP Beacons
28.200 - 28.300 Continuous Duty Beacons
28.300 - 29.100 CW / SSB / AM
28.390 Recommended intra-VK calling frequency
28.450 WICEN frequency
28.680 +/- 5 kHz SSTV calling frequency
28.885 International 6 Metre liaison frequency
29.110 - 29.290 FM SIMPLEX
29.120 Simplex repeater gateway frequency
29.200 National calling frequency
29.250 Recommended packet frequency
29.300 - 29.510 AMATEUR SATELLITES
29.520 - 29.580 Repeater inputs29.600 International simplex calling frequency
29.620 - 29.680 Repeater outputs   
6 Metre Band – 50 - 52 MHz Advanced licensees only
52 - 54 MHz Advanced & Standard licensees
50 - 52 MHz BROADCASTING Primary ServiceAMATEUR Secondary Service
52 - 54 MHz AMATEUR Primary Service
50.000 - 50.300 NARROW BAND MODES
50.000 - 50.080 CW only
50.020 - 50.080 Beacons
50.080 - 50.100 International DX window
50.100 - 50.150 CW / SSB: International DX only
50.110 International DX calling frequency
50.150 - 50.280 CW / SSB: DX or local
50.200 Australian calling frequency
50.220 - 50.240 Digital DX modes
50.280 - 50.300 Beacons (VK1,2,3,4,7)
50.300 - 50.320 Beacons (VK5,6,8,9,0 only)
50.320 - 52.000 ALL MODES (VK5,6,8,9,0 only)
52.000 - 52.500 NARROW BAND MODES
52.000 - 52.100 CW only
52.100 - 52.300 SSB52.100 Calling frequency
52.300 - 52.500 Beacons

52.525 International simplex calling frequency
52.550 - 52.975 Repeater inputs
53.000 Simplex: data (BBS forwarding)
53.025 Simplex: data (general use)
53.050 Simplex: data (recommended APRS channel)
53.075 - 53.100 Simplex: data (general use)
53.125 - 53.525 Simplex: voice
53.150 National WICEN frequency
53.300 National ARDF frequency
53.500 National voice calling frequency
53.550 - 53.975 Repeater outputs   
2 Metre Band – All licence classes
144.000 - 144.700 NARROW BAND MODES
144.000 - 144.100 EME
144.100 - 144.400 CW / SSB
144.100 Calling frequency: national primary
144.200 Calling frequency: national secondary
144.220 - 144.240 Digital DX modes
144.240 - 144.300 Guard band: New Zealand beacons
144.300 SSB chat frequency
144.320 - 144.340 Digital DX modes
144.300 - 144.500 Space communications
144.400 - 144.600 Beacons
144.625 - 144.675 General / Experimental
144.700 - 145.200 DIGITAL AND PACKET RADIO
144.950 Space communications only
145.125 Recommended D-Star simplex frequency
145.175 National APRS frequency
145.200 National WICEN packet frequency
145.225 - 145.775 ALL MODES
145.225 - 145.275 General / Experimental
145.300 National ARDF frequency
145.325 - 145.400 Recommended for simplex IRLP/Echolink nodes
145.425 - 145.525 FM voice simplex
145.550 Space communications only
145.575 Information Beacons
145.600 RTTY (AFSK)
145.625 SSTV / Fax (AFSK)
145.650 - 145.675 CW practice beacons / broadcast relays
145.700 ARDF homing beacons
145.800 - 146.000 AMATEUR SATELLITES
146.025 - 147.975 FM SIMPLEX AND REPEATERS
146.025 - 146.400 Repeater inputs - group A
146.425 - 146.600 Simplex
146.500 National voice calling frequency
146.600 RTTY (AFSK)
146.625 - 147.000 Repeater outputs - group A
147.025 - 147.375 Repeater outputs - group B

147.400 - 147.600 Simplex
147.400 ATV liaison147.575 - 147.600 Packet radio
147.625 - 147.975 Repeater inputs - group B   
70 Cm Band – 420 - 430 MHz Advanced licensees only
430 - 450 MHz All licence classes
420 - 450 MHz RADIOLOCATION Primary Service
420 - 450 MHz FIXED, MOBILE Primary Service
420 - 430 MHz AMATEUR (restricted access in some states) Secondary Service
430 - 450 MHz AMATEUR Secondary Service
435 - 438 MHz AMATEUR SATELLITE Permitted on non-interference basis
420.000 - 423.000 REPEATER LINKS Not available in some states
425.000 - 432.000 ATV CHANNEL 1 Not available in some states
430.025 - 430.975 REPEATER LINKS - Segment A
431.025 - 431.250 REPEATER LINKS - Segment B
431.275 - 431.975 REPEATER LINKS - Reserved
432.000 - 432.600 NARROW BAND MODES
431.950 - 432.100 EME
432.100 - 432.400 CW / SSB432.100 Calling frequency: national primary
432.200 Calling frequency: national secondary
432.220 - 432.240 Digital DX modes
432.240 - 432.300 Guard band: New Zealand beacons
432.300 SSB chat frequency
432.320 - 432.340 Digital DX modes
432.400 - 432.600 Beacons
432.625 - 433.000 RESERVED
433.025 - 434.975 FM SIMPLEX AND REPEATERS
433.025 - 433.725 Repeater inputs - Group A
433.750 - 434.250 Simplex
433.750 RTTY (AFSK)
433.775 SSTV / Fax (AFSK)
433.800 WICEN434.050 - 434.250 Packet Radio
434.275 - 434.975 Repeater inputs - Group B
435.000 - 438.000 AMATEUR SATELLITES
438.025 - 439.975 FM SIMPLEX AND REPEATERS

438.025 - 438.725 Repeater outputs - Group A
438.750 - 439.250 Simplex
438.800 WICEN
438.850 National ARDF frequency
438.900 Recommended D-Star primary simplex frequency
438.950 Recommended APCO P25 simplex frequency
439.000 National voice calling frequency
439.050 - 439.075 Packet Radio
439.100 APRS
439.150 - 439.175 Recommended for simplex IRLP/Echolink nodes
439.200 - 439.250 Packet Radio
439.275 - 439.975 Repeater outputs - Group B
440.025 - 440.975 REPEATER LINKS - Segment C
441.025 - 441.975 REPEATER LINKS - Segment D
442.025 - 442.975 REPEATER LINKS - Segment E
443.000 - 450.000 ATV CHANNEL 2   
23 Cm Band – Advanced and Standard licensees only
Band Allocation1240 - 1300 MHz RADIOLOCATION Primary Service
1240 - 1260 MHz RADIONAVIGATION - SATELLITE Primary Service
1240 - 1300 MHz AMATEUR Secondary Service1260 - 1270 MHz AMATEUR SATELLITE (uplinks) Permitted on non-interference basis***********************************1240.000 - 1241.000 REPEATER LINKS - Group A 1241.000 - 1259.000 ATV CHANNEL 1
1259.000 - 1260.000 REPEATER LINKS - Group A
1260.000 - 1270.000 AMATEUR SATELLITES
1270.000 - 1272.000 NARROW BAND MODES (Possible future use)
1270.000 - 1270.600 Same pattern as
1296.000 - 1296.600
1270.600 - 1272.000 General / Experimental
1272.025 - 1273.000 REPEATER LINKS - Group B
1273.025 - 1273.975 FM REPEATER OUTPUTS
1274.000 - 1292.000 ATV CHANNEL 2
1292.025 - 1293.000 REPEATER LINKS - Group B
1293.025 - 1293.975 FM REPEATER INPUTS
1294.000 - 1294.975 FM SIMPLEX
1294.000 National voice calling frequency
1294.750 RTTY (AFSK)
1294.775 SSTV / Fax (AFSK)
1294.800 WICEN
1294.850 National ARDF frequency
1295.000 - 1297.000 NARROW BAND MODES
1295.000 - 1295.900 General / Experimental
1295.900 - 1296.100 EME
1296.100 - 1296.400 CW / SSB
1296.100 Calling frequency: national primary
1296.200 Calling frequency: national secondary
1296.220 - 1296.240 Digital DX modes
1296.240 - 1296.300 Guard band: New Zealand beacons
1296.320 - 1296.340 Digital DX modes
1296.400 - 1296.600 Beacons
1296.600 - 1297.000 General / Experimental
1297.025 - 1300.000 SIMPLEX (DATA)
1297.025 - 1297.400 General FM - 25 kHz channel spacing
1297.500 - 1297.900 D-Star – 200 kHz channel spacing
1297.500 D-Star – recommended national calling frequency
1298.100 - 1299.900 High speed - 200 kHz channel spacing 

13 cm Band – 2300 - 2302 MHz Advanced licensees only
2400 - 2450 MHz Advanced & Standard licensees
2300 - 2450 MHz FIXED, MOBILE Primary Services
2300 - 2450 MHz RADIOLOCATION Primary Service
2400 - 2450 MHz INDUSTRIAL / SCIENTIFIC / MEDICAL(Other services must accept any harmful interference from ISM devices).
2300 - 2302 MHz AMATEUR Secondary Service
2400 - 2450 MHz AMATEUR Secondary Service
2400 - 2450 MHz AMATEUR SATELLITE Permitted on non-interference basis
2300.000 - 2302.000 NARROW BAND MODES
2400.000 - 2403.000 AMATEUR SATELLITES
2403.000 - 2406.000 NARROW BAND MODES
2403.000 - 2403.100 EME only
2403.100 - 2403.400 CW / SSB
2403.100 Calling frequency: national primary
2403.200 Calling frequency: national secondary
2403.220 - 2403.240 Digital DX modes
2403.400 - 2403.600 Beacons
2403.600 - 2406.000 General / Experimental
2406.000 - 2424.000 ATV CHANNEL 1
2424.000 - 2425.000 NARROW BAND MODES (JA - ZL)
2425.000 - 2428.000 FM SIMPLEX 2425.000 National voice calling frequency
2425.750 RTTY (AFSK)
2425.775 SSTV / Fax (AFSK)
2425.800 WICEN
2425.850 National ARDF frequency
2426.000 - 2428.000 Data
2428.025 - 2429.975 FM DUPLEX
2430.000 - 2448.000 ATV CHANNEL 2
2448.025 - 2449.975 FM DUPLEX   
9 Cm Band – Advanced licensees only
3300 - 3600 MHz RADIOLOCATION Primary Service
3300 - 3600 MHz AMATEUR Secondary Service
3400 - 3410 MHz AMATEUR SATELLITE Permitted on non-interference basis
3400 - 3600 MHz FIXED SATELLITE (Space to Earth) Secondary Service
3400 - 3600 MHz FIXED, MOBILE Secondary Service
3300.000 - 3400.000 WIDEBAND MODES
3300.000 - 3320.000 Channel 1: ATV
3320.000 - 3340.000 Channel 2: Voice or data
3340.000 - 3360.000 Channel 3: Simplex, any mode
3360.000 - 3380.000 Channel 4: ATV
3380.000 - 3400.000 Channel 5: Simplex, any mode
3400.000 - 3410.000 AMATEUR SATELLITES
3400.000 - 3402.000 NARROW BAND MODES
3400.000 - 3400.100 EME only3400.100 -
3400.400 CW / SSB3400.100 Calling frequency: national primary
3400.200 Calling frequency: national secondary
3400.220 - 3400.240 Digital DX modes
3400.400 - 3400.600 Beacons
3400.600 - 3402.000 General / Experimental
3402.000 - 3403.000 FM SIMPLEX (VOICE)
3403.000 - 3405.000 FM SIMPLEX (DATA)
3405.000 - 3425.500 ALL MODES
3425.000 - 3492.500 NO OPERATION
3500.000 - 3600.000 WIDEBAND MODES
3500.000 - 3520.000 Channel 6: ATV
3520.000 - 3540.000 Channel 7: Voice or data
3542.500 - 3575.000 NO OPERATION
3580.000 - 3600.000 Channel 8: ATV 
6 Cm Band – Advanced & Standard licensees
5650 - 5850 MHz RADIOLOCATION Primary Service
5650 - 5725 MHz SPACE RESEARCH Secondary Service
5650 - 5850 MHz AMATEUR Secondary Service
5650 - 5670 MHz AMATEUR SATELLITE (uplinks) Permitted on non-interference basis
5830 - 5850 MHz AMATEUR SATELLITE (downlinks) Secondary Service
5650.000 - 5670.000 AMATEUR SATELLITES (UPLINKS)
5670.000 - 5672.000 NARROW BAND MODES (Possible future use)
5672.000 - 5673.000 FM SIMPLEX (VOICE) (Possible future use)
5673.000 - 5675.000 FM SIMPLEX (DATA) (Possible future use)
5675.000 - 5680.000 ALL MODES
5680.000 - 5760.000 WIDEBAND MODES
5680.000 - 5700.000 Channel 1: ATV
5700.000 - 5720.000 Channel 2: Data
5720.000 - 5740.000 Channel 3: Voice
5740.000 - 5760.000 Channel 4: ATV
5760.000 - 5762.000 NARROW BAND MODES
5760.000 - 5760.100 EME only
5760.100 - 5760.400 CW / SSB
5760.100 Calling frequency: national primary
5760.200 Calling frequency: national secondary
5760.220 - 5760.240 Digital DX modes
5760.400 - 5760.600 Beacons
5760.600 - 5762.000 General / Experimental
5762.000 - 5763.000 FM SIMPLEX (VOICE)
5763.000 - 5765.000 FM SIMPLEX (DATA)
5765.000 - 5770.000 ALL MODES
5770.000 - 5830.000 WIDEBAND MODES
5770.000 - 5790.000 Channel 5: Data
5790.000 - 5810.000 Channel 6: Voice
5810.000 - 5830.000 Channel 7: ATV

3 Cm Band – Advanced licensees only
10.000 - 10.500 GHz RADIOLOCATION Primary Service
10.000 - 10.025 GHz METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE Secondary Service
10.000 - 10.500 GHz AMATEUR Secondary Service
10.450 - 10.500 GHz AMATEUR SATELLITE Secondary Service
10000.000 - 10160.000 ALL MODES
10160.000 - 10360.000 WIDEBAND MODES
10160.000 - 10180.000 Channel 1: Data
10180.000 - 10200.000 Channel 2: Voice
10200.000 - 10220.000 Channel 3: ATV
10220.000 - 10240.000 Channel 4: Data
10240.000 - 10260.000 Channel 5: Voice
10260.000 - 10280.000 Channel 6: ATV
10280.000 - 10300.000 Channel 7: Data
10300.000 - 10320.000 Channel 8: Voice
10320.000 - 10340.000 Channel 9: ATV
10340.000 - 10360.000 Channel 10: Simplex, any mode
10360.000 - 10368.000 ALL MODES
10368.000 - 10370.000 NARROW BAND MODES
10368.000 - 10368.100 EME only
10368.100 - 10368.400 CW / SSB
10368.100 Calling frequency: national primary
10368.200 Calling frequency: national secondary
10368.220 - 10368.240 Digital DX modes
10368.400 - 10368.600 Beacons
10368.600 - 10370.000 General / Experimental
10370.000 - 10371.000 FM SIMPLEX (VOICE)
10371.000 - 10380.000 FM SIMPLEX (DATA)
10380.000 - 10440.000 WIDEBAND MODES
10380.000 - 10400.000 Channel 11: Data
10400.000 - 10420.000 Channel 12: Voice
10420.000 - 10440.000 Channel 13: ATV
10440.000 - 10447.000 FM SIMPLEX (DATA) (Possible future use)
10447.000 - 10448.000 FM SIMPLEX (VOICE) (Possible future use)
10448.000 - 10450.000 NARROW BAND MODES (Possible future use)
10450.000 - 10500.000 AMATEUR SATELLITES   
1.25 Cm Band – Advanced licensees only
24.000 - 24.050 AMATEUR SATELLITES
24.048 - 24.050 NARROW BAND MODES (Recommended segment)Same pattern as for lower bands****************
24.050 - 24.192 ALL MODES
24.192 - 24.194 NARROW BAND MODES (Alternative segment)
24.194 - 24.250 ALL MODES

Bands Above 24 GHz – Advanced licensees only
47.00 - 47.20 GHz AMATEUR & AMATEUR SATELLITE Primary Service
76.00 - 77.50 GHz RADIO ASTRONOMY & RADIOLOCATION Primary Services
76.00 - 77.50 GHz AMATEUR & AMATEUR SATELLITE Secondary Services
76.00 - 81.00 GHz SPACE RESEARCH Secondary Service
« Son Düzenleme: 13 Aralık 2010, 23:30:08 Gönderen: TA3AHS »

    Çevrimdışı TA2NL

  • Amatör Telsizci
  • Sitenin Sahibi
  • ****
  • Bu Mesajı : 13
  • İleti: 491
  • Bilgiyi Paylaşmayacaksan, ÖĞRENME !
  • İsim Soyisim: Murat DEMİRTAŞ
Ynt: Avustralya İçin RF band hakkında yardım
« Yanıtla #5 : 14 Aralık 2010, 12:14:40 »

Gösterilen ilgiye teşekkür ederim, soruyu soran arkadaş adına...

Bu kaynağa bende ulaşmıştım, demek ki sorun yok ancak arkadaşın başka sorularıda oldu ve ben de kendisini foruma davet ettim. Bu başlık altında kendisi istediği kadar soru sorsun ve cevabını birebir alsın istedim.



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