Tayland Sel Felaketi nedeniyle orada aktif olan amatörlerce 7060-7063kHz frekansları kullanıldığından bu frekanslarda muhabere yapılmaması için yapılan QST aşağıdadır. Bilgilerinize sunulur.
73 de TA1HZ
QST, to all Radio Amateurs
15 October 2011
World-wide HF operators are kindly requested to QSY away from
7.060-7.063 at all times due to use by Thailand hams during the massive
flood emergency affecting millions of people in North and Central
Today, the emergency is on-going with huge areas flooded of from a half
to two meters of water, some areas are deeper and a few spotty areas are
mostly dry in the region. News estimates say that the flooding will
continue for four to six more days, at its height, and subsidence will
be over a month. Clean-up and rebuilding may extend more than a year.
The majority of flood radio traffic is being carried on the two meter
band by scores of ham volunteers, some of which have had their own homes
inundated. It is impossible to estimate how many ham radio operators'
shacks are now affected, but the significant flooding covers huge swaths
of the region as seen on
Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor.
Üye Ol ya da
Giriş YapThe Thai National Club Station, HS0AC, home of the Radio Amateur Society
of Thailand, is threatened tomorrow and is under watch. Timely updates
can be seen at Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor.
Üye Ol ya da
Giriş Yap in English.
Reported by HS0ZCW, Charly
Charles Harpole k4vud@hotmail.com
Linkback: https://www.radyoamatorleri.com/index.php?topic=2047.0